FLASHGP32 protection password

FlashGP32 protection password: FLASH2000

Отправка email с помощью Perl без авторизации

## without authorization

sub send_mail {
    my $to = $_[0];
    my $subject = $_[1];
    my $body = $_[2];
    %mail = (To => $to,
             From => 'fromuser@somehost.com', ## << from
             Subject => $subject,
             Message => $body,
    $mail{Smtp} = 'smtpserver.somedomain.com'; # << SMTP server
    sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
    print "Sendmail log:\n", $Mail::Sendmail::log;

&send_mail('mailbox@somehost.com', $email_subject, $email);

HP scexe firmware extraction

You may extract firmware from scexe file under linux operating system with following steps:
1. Obtain scexe to extract
2. Obtain linux box
3. Make scexe file executable: chmod +x <filename>.scexe
4. Run scexe file with special key: ./<filename>.scexe --unpack=<folder_name>
, where <folder_name> is folder, where you want to place extracted files.
In folder you find binary firmware files for your device.